Sunday, October 21, 2012


In the last month, we took a long trip: the longest time off I've ever had from work, the longest time traveling that I've ever had the opportunity to do, and the longest time off I've ever taken from running or exercise in general.  Hence, this has meant a time off from blogging.  So, we're back now, and my goal is to get back at it, and get this blog going.

So, we went to Italy for 2 weeks.  It was fantastic, and a dream to be able to go to Europe for that long. It's also the last opportunity for this kind of trip for a long time (which was part of the reason for the trip being so long) as this was pretty much our Baby moon!  Yep, I'm expecting our first baby in April.

Every other time I've traveled, I've always done some running while I've been away, no matter where I've gone.  This time, I went with my husband, and I felt guilty because he wasn't able to exercise too (he's a cyclist mainly, but currently can't run due to a foot problem).  So, I made the decision to take a hiatus from running, and give my body a forced rest.  We walked everywhere while we were there, but that doesn't make up for high level aerobic exercise.

The experts always say, that you can take a 2 week break from your exercise schedule and not lose much fitness.  This may be true, but I think (no I haven't done a scientific study) it's probably different for a pregnant woman.  The baby is growing rapidly (how else would it go from 2 microscopic cells to a 7 or 8 pound baby in 9 months), your uterus with all of it's blood flow is too, and your body undergoes major hormonal and vascular changes (among other things) throughout the course of your pregnancy.  I personally feel like I've lost major fitness.  Granted, my first run was the morning after our arrival home and the 9 hour time change may have had some affect too.  But each run, I had to take more walk breaks than ever before, and I felt way more tired.  Finally, after about a week and a half, I had a run where I actually felt semi decent.

But if that's what it takes, that's what you got to do.  Take more water breaks and carry it with you if you have to.  If you start to feel too out of breath, walk.  During my 8.5 mile "long" run of the week, I walked 3 times for 2-3 minutes each, which conveniently happened to be each steep hill.  Ease back into it, don't go all out fast or long during your first few runs back.  Take an extra day off, if you need to.  And most importantly, listen to your body.

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